It was quite nice to getaway for a bit. Hervey bay is just north of the sunshine coast and fraser island is an island just off the coast of Aust.
After arriving in hervey bay we were picked up by steph and taken to the outrigger resort where we were staying. The first day we just relaxed and walked around hervey bay for a bit and swam in the pool at the resort. Our apartment was on the 6th floor (top floor) and had a spa and a great view of the marina below.

The 2nd day we went to Noosa... which sharon calls "double bay by the beach". It was actually quite a hot day and we were trying not to get burnt. Typical tho cos sharon and i spent the arvo shopping all the boutique shops along the beach. Had dinner at this italian place that had just opened up along the beach at hervey bay (closer to steph's place). The place is so new that our waiter actually didnt really know what was what... which was quite funny. But he was a nice guy and shared that he played in a Christian band that had just finished touring around aust playing at schools and clubs.
The next day we made our way over to Fraser Island by ferry. Fraser island is the world's largest sand island. The entire island is one big sand deposit in the sea! Which makes it totally amazing that so much vegetation and wildlife exist. Apparently many years ago it was one mass of sand but seeds blew over from the mainland and some salt-resistant grasses started to grow. As the grasses died and decomposed, a humus layer was formed and other trees could start to grow.
Kingfisher resort is one of the 2 resorts on the island. The landscaping and pools are beautiful... but sadly the room is a bit of a disappointment and i think i wouldnt be staying there again.
Aust day and we went on a one-day tour of the island. When i first arrived i didnt expect that much but the history of fraser island is certainly fascinating. and you can drive a kilometer and find that the vegetation changes from bush to rainforest. poor sharon was really motion sick tho on the 4wd bus that we were on.

Interesting fact... one of the common trees on fraser island is the ring pine. they've stopped forestry on the island cos it's world heritage listed but ring pine is the stuff they make paddle pop sticks out of.

The day after was the last day of the holiday :(
Headed back to hervey bay and back to sydney.