Friday, September 15, 2006

Been a while... Part #2 TWIST

well... it's been a month since twist... i'm actually home in bed sick at the moment... have been sick all week... so this is my time to write about what's happened in the last month!!

the day after the wedding was TWIST... which is a church musicians' conference. i have to say that it was absolutely AWESOME!!!

was chatting with a friend recently and talking about the place of music in our church services... in some evangelical circles the theory is we sing to encourage each other... my thinking is that we sing to praise God AND to encourage each other as we do it together.

as i reflect on why twist was so awesome... like what made it memorable... i guess i put it down to the encouragement that i did have playing music and singing praise to God... it was great to have so many people there together worshipping in song!

bass workshop was a bit bassic! loved the band workshop... very practical with how we can play together and build the song to help people sing.

free time was excellent as it was JAM time!!! whooo hooo... so much fun... i would like to have been able to learn more from people who play guitar or bass in that time. but... i wouldnt have traded the jam session we had... there musta been 20-30 people in that room... cos nobody really had anything to do... so we played and sang our hearts out!

ps 96 says to sing to the Lord a new song... i feel excited to praise God through music... sometimes i think we lack so much passion in our church services... we sing as though we're dead... how do we get congregations to really look at the lyrics and sing with passion?? i'm challenged!

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