Started a great day with some wakeboarding... 7am... feeling a bit more comfortable on jumps but have to work on getting some more air.
Went to church this morning. It was good to see so many people there.... some people who are visiting and some new people. That's the great thing about Christmas - people who dont usually go to church seem to turn up. I guess there is a God-shaped hole in hearts and Christmas is a time when people seem to feel it and try to do something about it... It is a great opportunity for them to come and hear the gospel.
The bible reading was Matt 1:18-25. For the people who have been to National Training Event (NTE - Aust wide Christian training conference), you prob all remember preparing a bible study or talk on that passage. It's a great passage and so many things you could say. But Joseph was to give the baby the name "Jesus" because he would save his people from their sins.
At Christmas time we remember that amazing gift of Jesus - God provides his life and death on a cross in our place... to save us from the punishment we deserve for rejecting God.
I'm sorry if i'm rambling... just that this year i notice that the shopping centres play carols but not the lyrics... it's politically incorrect in this age to mention "Jesus". But why celebrate Christmas then? What does CHRISTmas mean if it's not about Jesus Christ?

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