I caught a prawn yesterday... and kept it... and called it "squibby" - dont ask me about the name... just thought it sounded cute. Anyway, i really have no idea what prawns do or eat... i only know that i eat them!
So i have no idea what to do with my prawn... this is gonna sound bad but i didnt really expect him to survive. He looked really dead in the arvo cos he just lay around... but last night... when the sun went down and all was dark in the kitchen... even my fish had gone to sleep... there was squibby swimming around happy as larry... sooo cute! this morning he was swimming around a bit but it's the arvo now and he just looks dead again... think that's what prawns do... they swim around when it's dark but stay still during in daylight.

I got to sleep in today (yay!). Decided to go see Narnia - The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe this morning. Went to Mac and the shops are so packed! Avoiding the sales at the moment cos i really have nothing to buy. I dont really need anything. And... really, really, really dont like crowds!
In the bible, we see Jesus speak in parables which seem like normal stories but which also conveyed other spiritual implications or meanings. CS Lewis was a Christian and "The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe" was written as a children's story but it also conveys many of the ideas of the gospel. (Not that i'm equating Jesus to CS Lewis but i admire how cleverly CS Lewis wrote the book.)
I must admit that that the biblical symbolism or parallelism of the movie actually made me bawl so much when they killed Aslan the lion. (That's the first time i've bawled in a movie in ages!) An innocent... killed in a traitor's place. Like Jesus dying in our place.
Anyway, i really enjoyed the movie and it very clearly shows some aspects of the gospel. Even Lucy and Susan's walk with Aslan before he is killed reminds me of Gethsemene. Aslan, the king, humbles himself and dies in place of Edmond but overcomes death and delivers Narnia from the rule of the evil Queen. Sounds familiar...
I end with a quote from the movie... "it is finished" (Aslan and the gospel of John, chapter 19, verse 30)
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