Saturday, April 30, 2005

Geocaching is fun!!

Lately i've been into geocaching. For ppl who dont know... it's kinda like a treasure hunt. people hide caches somewhere and give u gps coordinates to find them. The point is finding the cache not what u find. Although when you do find it... u can swap things in and out of it.

Today I went geocaching in Lane Cove. I found it after bashing thru some bush... think the worst bit was the cobwebs. Gee i hate spiders.

Anyway i'm really excited cos today I found a travel bug... they're little things u put in the cache... and ppl take them out and put them somewhere else... so these lil bugs travel around the world from cache to cache. This one had just come from NZ and the owner is hoping it will make its way to the UK by 2007.

Friday, April 29, 2005

Moi is totally spoilt!!

Today is my birthday. I feel like i'm getting old so i didnt really tell many people. Kinda kept it low key... just dinner with a few close friends.

I was really surprised today.... i got sooo spoilt today!!
This morning i got some really nice flowers and had a really yummo cake at work. And the phone calls and text msg's were just such a nice surprise.

Daph and Vic already gave me an early b'day prezzie of a Rip Curl lifevest that i've been using when we go wakeboarding.... so i didnt expect any other surprises... But Vic bought this really delicious tiramisu... it was from a shop in double bay... really nicely done... and very sweet... and Shaz got me these really cute butterfly earrings...

And then... to top it all off... I just got home to find a package waiting for me. So curiously i opened it... and it was from Julie... an Australian Open historical book. Kinda makes me nostalgic... cos if u know me u know how crazy i am about tennis and how i used to work at the tennis every summer... well Julz was my partner in crime... i think we went around collecting heaps and heaps of autographs and taking heaps and heaps of photos with tennis players. We really did have a lot of fun all those summers...
So i opened the book... and inside there's a happy b'day message and it's signed by John Newcombe. Argh... such a cool prezzie... thanks so much Julz!!

Awww... so i'm sitting here at the end of a really great day... i just feel so spoilt... just wanna say thanks to everyone for the thought... it means a lot to me.

Lotsa Luv

Mel =)

Monday, April 25, 2005


Well today was a beautiful sunny day.... and a great day for WAKEBOARDING!!! I think we're all a little bit bored of going to Roseville every week... so today... we went out to Cliftonville on the Hawkesbury River.

I dunno if I prefer the freshwater of Cliftonville or the saltwater of Middle Harbour. Oh well at least there's no sharks at Cliftonville. The water's kinda dirty tho...

This is possibly the last outing for the season cos the water is getting a little cold. So... we had to make it good. I think we did ok... everybody practised some tricks and took some nasty spills.

I think the most fun was when Daph and I rode tandem (although I think the boyz were getting bored). Was sooo much fun... I was going under her rope and doing surface 180's and taking photos... Cool fun!!


Cliftonville lodge

Sunday, April 24, 2005

The Ring 2

I went to see the Ring 2 tonight. I normally dont watch scary movies cos I do get really scared and have nightmares.... but I cant work out why everybody thinks the Ring is a scary movie.
I watched the first one and nearly fell asleep. It was just dark and weird. The second one was a little scarier but it was still just dark and slow and just a lil gross when they show the dead ppl.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Crimson Room

I recently got sent this... it's a good exercise if ur kinda bored... it's also kinda frustrating...

Basically ur in a crimson room and you have to pick up 13 items to get out.
So anyway I managed to get 12 then got stuck. The thing accompanying the email said... if you get 0-6 items ur a total idiot, 6-8 still an idiot, 9-10 items and ur normal, 11-12 and u have an above avg iq...
Anyway dont believe that at all... it's really a matter of dumb luck and getting so frustrated you click anywhere and everywhere.

Dont read this paragraph if you dont want it spoilt. Basically I was able to get to the bit with the safe... but couldnt get the combination... so i had to cheat after that... anyway the combo is 1994 if u want to know...

You can try it out yourself...;p/youxi/images/04042203.swf
have fun!

M :)

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Strange but true...

Part of my daily routine is to sit down and read the SMH online for a while. Trev prefers to buy the Telegraph... mainly to look at the pictures and read the gossip.
I cant help looking at the "Strange but True" section to see what funny or mildly zany things have happened....

This one is just unlucky! Talk about random! Poor guy... and a sausage of all things??!?!?!
Daph would say "lemma lemma?!!??!"

Flying sausage on the nose
April 20, 2005

A British motorist has had his nose broken by a flying frozen sausage as he was driving with his car window down.
The 46-year-old man was driving near his home in South Woodham Ferrers, Essex, east of London, when the sausage came through the window and hit him on the nose, a spokesman for the Essex Ambulance Service said on condition of anonymity.
"The man said he was making his way home after work and had the window down because it was such a nice afternoon," the ambulance spokesman said.
"He said he saw a car coming the other way and felt a searing pain in his nose.
"His nose was undoubtedly fractured and he had lost quite a lot of blood.
"It must have been an incredibly lucky, or unlucky, shot to get the sausage through a moving car window. I have never seen or heard of anything like this before."
Essex police said they were investigating the incident.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


Ok the pink is getting to me now too... this layout isn't very subtle is it...
I'll improve it and create my own when I get a chance...

Mel :)

Strange customs

I've been given the task of reading thru the whole bible in 2 yrs. I'm a little behind but I was reading thru Genesis not too long ago.

I just thought this was funny... In Genesis 24:2 (and 24:9) and then again in 47:29, there are two people... one asking the other to make a promise to them. It's just really funny cos the way the promise was made was by the person putting their hand under the other person's thigh... how strange is that...

I was just thinking... i'm glad that custom hasnt been passed on...
like could u imagine it now: "hey put ur hand under my thigh and promise me this...."
or at a wedding: "i put my hand under ur thigh and promise...."
or in a courtroom: "i promise to tell the truth..." actually how would that work??

Monday, April 18, 2005


Trevor thinks he's funny... he usually says "i'm the funniest person i know"...
Usually i dont laugh at his "jokes" but today he was so not funny that it was funny.
A patient cancelled because they were going to have an angiogram. One of the massage therapists asked what an angiogram is... So he said "that's when they stick dye in you to find angios".

Ok so it's so not funny... but i cant help it... it's the funniest thing i've heard all day!

Next blog...

Since we're going totally random here...
Did u know... that if you click the button at the top of the screen that says "Next blog", you dont get to the next blog that's either alphabetical or sequential... no it's totally random.
So if you're bored and want to read some totally random person's blog then i spose that is useful.

I actually kept clicking on it just to see what would pop up... It didnt land me on Chris's page tho...

Geez i'm bored...

New Blog Page

This is my second attempt at a blog page. It was time for a new one... I was getting bored of the old one.
Bright pink (or is it purply pink) seemed to be the colour. (maybe i'll change it sometime).

Right now i'm at work... a bit bored... but it's lunchtime!