Tuesday, May 12, 2009


i should be excited about my trip to melbourne... maybe if i wasnt so tired.
flew in early and popped our bags at the hotel then went out to docklands/harbourtown shopping. i ended up buying some sisco jeans, a couple of tops and a jeep belt.

wicked - soooo good. it's become my new no. 2 musical after miss saigon. gone wicked crazy now. bought the cd and have been listening to it on repeat. i'm going to go order the music now.

food - we started off quite hungry but then were really really full after a serving of mexican lord of the fries as well as dumplings from the shanghai dumpling place in little bourke st. made us nearly fall asleep in wicked.

sunday - woke up and bolted down to bridge rd for some more shopping. a very successful shopping weekend as i emptied my wallet and will have to pay for it all later... lol... oh well... my 30th only comes around once...