Sunday, May 16, 2010

Equip #2

[post is 1 week after event... cos i write in bits and the blog sits in my drafts folder for a bit]...

The first main talk was titled 'Pure Escapism' from 2 Peter 1
- The great escape is ours from death to life in Christ
- What do we escape to?

this bit challenged me the most. 2 Peter tells us to make every effort to live like God - putting on virtue, knowledge, self contraol, steadfastness, Godliness, brotherly affection and love.

the speaker said sometimes the reason why we lack these qualities or lack growth in these things is:
- we are too close to see
- we are too busy to think or to make an effort
- we are too complacent to care - have we forgotten grace?

the awesome thing is if we are increasing in Godliness then we confirm who we are in Christ and that we remember what we have escaped from and what we have escaped to.

equip #1 - the fineprint of feminism

i'm gonna download equip slowly so prob add more to the post if i get a chance... or not if i dont get a chance?
this is in bits though so i thought i'd start downloading the elective i went to cos i was at twilight session and so elective is before main talks.

the electives this year all sounded pretty good. it came down to "confessions of a shopaholic" or "fineprint of feminism"...
decided on feminism in the end... i'm not sure why... just wanted to hear claire smith's take on it. also i guess been thinking through things like submission and authority lately.

so this is kinda a summary of the talk:
history of feminism:
eg womens' lib movement, gender equality and lately the ambiguity of sexuality and gender

some good points of feminism:
- social justice (God uses feminism to get this even though feminism does not recognise God's agenda) eg. rape in marriage condemned, domestic violence recognised and condemned
- gender based inequality can be contrary to God's purpose - God creates man and woman in His image.

Feminism's warped view of God
- trying to feminise the devine - not God the Father but "parent", "mother"
- rejecting the bible as it was written by men and is 'patriarchal'
- re-ordering the trinity - they dont like the nature of authority and submission in the relationships within the trinity so they say that the submission of the Son to the Father's will was cultural and one-off for the purpose of salvation. There are no implications for today and therefore authority and submission or created order arent relevant concepts today. [i have to think about this point a little more]
- Jesus was a man - they use some parts of the bible to accuse him of chauvinism.

Some biblical truths
- God the 'Father'!! only God can name God and Jesus refers to God the Father.
- God made gender - it's not incidental or a handicap. Man and woman were made in the image of God and gender is an essential part of our identity. Gender not an indication of worth as Jesus died for all.
- Jesus shows countercultural respect for women and their role in his ministry.

Cultural concepts
- the rise of careerism and identity that is found in what we do
- rejection of gender or sexuality
- sexual revolution - the pill and women free to be sexually promiscuous
- changing of views of sex - about power, and self not giving to the other person
- society focus on self autonomy

the bottom line:
Can you be a Christian and a feminist?
I think not. Jesus says anybody who wants to be great must be a servant. Jesus lost his rights to serve and save those he loved. Feminism seeks power and is self-seeking. It's focus is contrary to Jesus' and contrary to God's plan for humanity.

.... well that's what i got out of that elective... was really good to think about it (although i wouldnt have called myself a feminist before). i have a better understanding of feminism.

Friday, May 07, 2010

fun with lev lev

well today is lev lev's b'day...
yesterday night we went out for sushi to celebrate...
i miss those guys... soooo funny...

i think you have to be there cos this isnt going to seem funny...
but lev lev got a toy me-to-you bear that had a monkey costume on it... and you could remove the monkey clothes... so she and cyn were having fun taking monkey clothes off... and lev was making comments in a restaurant mind you... a little too loudly saying stuff like "dont take my clothes off..." .... embarrassing...

hehe but i got her back later... in the bathroom, she was in the toilet and i was walking out... i decided to switch the lights off... then felt bad so turned them back on... so they were off for all of 5 seconds at the most.
lev gets back to the table and starts going on about how i switched the lights off... and i was like... "only for 5 seconds!!"
and she said... "a lot can happen in 5 seconds..."
so other people started chiming in with ideas about what can happen in 5 seconds... eg:
- she could miss (but she's not a boy...)
- she could fall off?
- she could fall in...
it was soooo funny... ah toilet humour...

my tummy hurts from eating too much and laughing too hard...

Wednesday, May 05, 2010


i'm a bit scared that i'm starting to get my second wind now... when i really should be going to sleep.
it's almost midnight and i've worked 2 x 12-13 hr days... i was absolutely knackered so i decided to climb into bed cos it's nice and warm. so listening to music hoping i would fall asleep but my mind is still going...

some random things i've been thinking about lately...
- do i just get busy and get caught up in what i'm doing? does it mean i neglect listening to the things that are going on around me and does it mean i stop caring for people in the way i should??
so i thought about how i could be active in caring... how can i be remembering not to be self absorbed?? lol...
- last sunday's talk at church was about prayer... have been reading valley of vision a lot which is puritan prayers. love it...
the speaker talked about the fact that Abraham was challenging God to save Soddom. the way he spoke to God was bold yet humble. he approached God with reverence but his manner was almost challenging God.
some thing i was thinking about after the sermon was the nature of my relationship with God... like how i approach God and prayer and the types of things i pray for.
- i'm wondering why people seem to download on me at work. i find people with 'psycho-social overlay' problems very draining. am wondering how to deal with it without losing compassion. i've learnt to leave work at work but how do i move on while i'm still at work?? cos at the end of some days i'm just soooo exhausted. not physically but mentally.
- one of my interns tried to personality type me... i dont think he was totally correct... so i decided to take a myer briggs test online. i did it in yr 11 but cant remember.
my results:
I - definitely introverted. definitely need private/personal timeout
S - actually i'm probably somewhere in the middle of sensing and intuitive but lean more towards sensing
F - i'm also somewhere in the middle between thinking and feeling because i'm definitely quite logical but am ruled a lot by feelings, popular opinion and react to conflict
P - i actually thought i was a more of a J (judging) person but when i did this only one thing fell into that category.. the P part of me does like to multitask, i do my best work close to deadlines (eg starting assignments at 8pm the night before they are due...) and avoid committments that interfere with freedom and flexibility. but i'm a J person in that i do like to plan things (i just never seem to stick to plans and become disorganised)

Introverted (I) 56.76% Extroverted (E) 43.24%
Sensing (S) 50% Intuitive (N) 50%
Feeling (F) 61.76% Thinking (T) 38.24%
Perceiving (P) 51.28% Judging (J) 48.72%

ISFP - "Artist". Interested in the fine arts. Expression primarily through action or art form. The senses are keener than in other types. 8.8% of total population.
Take Free Myers-Briggs Personality Test

Monday, May 03, 2010

i must have a 'kick me' sign on my back...

well it's been a crazy long day...
worked at my clinic 8-11:30am then dashed off to mac uni eastwood clinic for my 12-8pm shift.

so was good to meet the 12-4 interns at the clinic. i already knew one guy from some fieldwork. it's a quiet shift and i'm not used to just sitting around so i decided to wander around to see what the interns are up to when they werent seeing patients. some were practising and so i sat in to give some feedback and learn some stuff from them myself. it's actually quite fun...
and i think the guys appreciated me taking an interest in helping them rather than just sitting around like other supervisors apparently do... but i get bored so i like to be doing. anyway... so i got to know some of the interns but i have no idea how i end up getting paid out so much... and i dont even know these guys... like first time i've met them and i'm already being paid out by them...
one of my regulars reckons it's cos i react... also i guess i'm friendly and take an interest so they kinda act like i'm just one of them...

but they are my interns!! so there should be some respect there!! cos otherwise i refuse to sign off on their paperwork and no numbers for them!! hrumph!!
lol... nah i'm having fun... just feel like i'm walking around with a big 'kick me' sign on my back... that ppl who meet me for 5 mins are comfortable enough to start paying me out!

anyway... was thinking about one of my previous posts about the rugby... and how i might need to learn to 'crude up'.
and i realised that no that's not who i am...
i think that what comes out of your mouth reflects the things in your head and heart... and i'm so not perfect in that area... everytime i read the book of James i feel challenged and the Spirit pierces my heart again because i know that i fall down in so many ways.
but i dont really need to add to it all by participating in crude jokes and i think i need to be more sensitive in what i do say even as a joke or pay out.

so i guess on reflection i'm glad that people feel comfortable enough with me to pay me out. and maybe i'll react because i'm innocent and that's who i am... but hopefully people can see that it's cos i'm a Christian...

Sunday, May 02, 2010

what a week...

busy busy... i'm now feeling quite under the weather after a few late nights and eventful days... getting old methinks!!

last week was meant to be a bludge... monday off cos of anzac day. my normal wed off. and thur off cos i took it off cos it's my b'day.

sunday night my chennai superkings were playing mumbai indians in the IPL twenty20 final...
hehe ben had been bugging me before about liking CSK... his deccan chargers were apparently meant to knock out my CSK in the semis but they lost!! so deccan went into 3rd/4th playoff and CSK move to final against mumbai indians. Tendulkar was on fire so i guess MI were tipped to win.
i came home from church tired but determined... at 12-1am i was struggling to stay awake but after that it was awesome. dhoni and raina were awesome in posting 168 for CSK. MI came up short despite tendulkar making a quick 48. tactically they left their gun kieron pollard on the bench too long. but who cares cos CSK won!!
i'm vindicated in backing a team that i'm only backing cos i have a thing for albie morkel... who knows why just have a soft spot for him. he is an exciting t20 player though.
but at 6:30am monday morning i was still up... and still wired... still jumping up and down.

3 hrs sleep and i was due at chuck and hails place to finally play descent. i've declined all previous invites cos they were sun morning or arvo and i exercise then... hails said she was going to get me along and so with nothing else really on that day i went. interesting game. i liked using my magic and blowing up bad guys... fun fun... didnt stay for long cos i was sooo tired and catching up with cyn that arvo.

i think the tiredness started from the 7am bedtime on mon morning and lack of sleep....

thur 29th apr... my b'day... yay
usually i dont like b'days but this one i was determined to make the most of it. and God obliged me with a very nice day.
i planned not to work but had a few patients i just had to see... managed to do that early and then be out of there by 10:30am...
then went collecting freebies - free movies at hoyts, free boost juice... yay!
so i went to mandarin centre and saw whatever was convenient which ended up being 'the last song'. was an ok movie except for miley cyrus. no hannah montana for me!
met daph for lunch at sushi suma... reminded me of old days. callum was good and took formula and gave me lots of smiles so it made my day.
then back to chatswood for la premiere... saw iron man 2 which was meh... i think if i was into comics then i might have liked it better. just another action movie for me... but the free popcorn and drinks were good.
popped over to mum and dad's for dinner...

fri - i think i'm fat enough but my patients didnt seem to agree... today they came bearing food. i have no idea why. so i had cupcakes and yum cha goodies (cos one of my patients is a yum cha chef). out to the CT for dinner with marika and trace to celebrate my bday and marika's too.
girls piked on drinks... out to opera bar with clive and then ended up at ivy... soooo tired after...

sat - smak and millie's wedding... what to wear?? i have a heap of dresses i dont wear but still am indecisive on what to wear... maybe it's a girl thing... or maybe just me... i'm really indecisive!!
last week it took over an hr to get to kirkplace for rice regenerate... so left plenty of time... and ended up making it there 15 mins before but the place was pretty packed. i thought they might have trouble having that many people in kirkplace but it was all good in the end. was a very laid back wedding. lots of fun.
sooo funny... we were hanging around and ppl were saying 'go for coffee' and nobody could decide on where... and then by the time we said a place it was pretty much too late. we were on our way but traffic was bad so phoebs decided we would drive straight to the reception.
the reception was also a lot of fun. great to catch up with ppl i havent seen for aaaggggeeeesssss!! and the groove on the dancefloor was also fun.
mike's speech was hilarious... some of it i'd heard before (maybe at smak's 21st).

think smak and millie are a great match. the week before at rice i was talking to millie saying '1 week, 1 week!! are you excited?'
her reply wasnt 'yeah 1 week to the wedding' it was 'yeah in 1 week we'll be eating'... soooo funny... thinking about food... smak chose a girl with the same focus as him (apart from God of course).

this morning (sun) i'm feeling pretty tired... ended up waking up late. hadnt even looked at the music for church so thought a practise might be in order.
turned on the tv... that's what i love to wake up to on a sunday morning!!! merlin is on!!! a shirtless bradley james just made my day... i've seen the whole 2nd season though cos i have it already on dvd from the UK... bradley james... ok will shut up now and go watch...