Sunday, May 16, 2010

Equip #2

[post is 1 week after event... cos i write in bits and the blog sits in my drafts folder for a bit]...

The first main talk was titled 'Pure Escapism' from 2 Peter 1
- The great escape is ours from death to life in Christ
- What do we escape to?

this bit challenged me the most. 2 Peter tells us to make every effort to live like God - putting on virtue, knowledge, self contraol, steadfastness, Godliness, brotherly affection and love.

the speaker said sometimes the reason why we lack these qualities or lack growth in these things is:
- we are too close to see
- we are too busy to think or to make an effort
- we are too complacent to care - have we forgotten grace?

the awesome thing is if we are increasing in Godliness then we confirm who we are in Christ and that we remember what we have escaped from and what we have escaped to.

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