Sunday, August 07, 2005


Yesterday night was the RICE RALLY!! @ Town Hall.
Was encouraging to see so many youth of sydney there to hear a great gospel talk. Each year RICE seems to get bigger and bigger... and also bigger without sacrificing the message of Jesus Christ.

It was much the same as last year... When they interviewed the speaker, Al Stewart, he said he is really asian... So he had to do some tasks to prove he's truly asian...
Firstly, he had to show he could squat!
Secondly, he had to show he could do kung-fu. So they got somebody up on stage and he had to copy their moves. It was really funny... almost as funny as last year when they dressed the speaker in street clothes and made him hip hop/breakdance!

The message was really great too. Al challenged the youth to think about what things hold them back from responding to the gospel and giving their lives to God. His analogy was great... he brought out a jar of lollies... and got Steve to try to get the lollies out... Steve got his hand in the jar but when he grasped the lollies, the fist he made was too big to get back out of the jar and he pulled and pulled. Naomi did the same thing... but she let go of the lollies and was able to get her hand out and get free... so she was given the jar of lollies too.

I guess there are things that we do hang onto that hinder us from responding to God and living for him. Things like study, relationships, work.... In the end tho... it all is in vain... we cant take anything with us when we die. What is important is being in a right relationship with God.

I was sitting next to a year 7 girl who decided to commit her life to Jesus that night... really really encouraging.

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